Now have me and dansken just been chillin out for a couple of days.
The Winter games slopestyle was on saturday, but i did not compete in that..
The reason for that is simple, Soo bad course!! It was so easy to ether land on the nuckle or overshoot, and the jumps were very small. So i decided just to chill out for some days.. We have been playing "Agressive Golfing", skated, and sleeping.
But tomorrow we are going to Snow Park and shred some.
And yeah, i just got a spot in the Big Air, Winter games. But it is at the 30.aug, and we are going home the 28. aug, so we just need to our tickets(just hope that it will be alright). I think Jon Olsson is gonna helping to build the big jump for the winter games, and that will be awsome!!
Here are some pics:
Awsome view..
Our diry car.. haha!
Waiting for my kebab in the sun..
-PC Fosse